New study : “no evidence” between hydraulic fracturing and water contamination


As noted in the Journal de Montréal in recent days, a new study from the Energy Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, entitled “Fact-based Regulation for Environmental Protection in Shale Gas Development,” has found “no evidence” of hydraulic fracturing leading to groundwater contamination.

The authors noted that reports of contamination sometimes occur due to poor cement casing and spills at a drill site – issues unrelated to fracking.

The new study was presented last week in Vancouver.  It is just the latest report to show that hydraulic fracturing, when conducted safely an in a well-regulated environment, does not contaminate ground water.

The authors of the study also stated that developing natural gas is “essential to the energy security of the US and the world.”

QOGA invites you to read this important study by clicking here.